Youngest by 3 minutes, Duvessa had an easy life... as far as her parents were aware.  Only her twin brother, Trace, knows what happened to her to make her the way she was for so very long.

    From the instant they were born, Duvessa and Trace shared an intimate emotional connection, where they could feel what the other felt.  For a brother and sister, they were extremely close, and loved one another with undying devotion.

    When Duvessa was 8, she met her best friend, next to her brother, Annie Mirda, who was the daughter of a near by Baron.  Duvessa would often spend the night at her friends home, stay up late playing and talking, as most little girls would.  When she was 10, the baron began his abuse, slow at first, just touching, but it got increasingly worse.  She managed to hide the way it made her feel from everyone, including her twin, for 4 years, when it finally got too bad, she broke down and told her brother.

    Trace immediately set out, and killed the Baron, he swore to his sister he'd never tell anyone.  Despite the Baron's death, Duvessa continued to get worse. Prone to sudden, irrational fits of violence, closing herself off from the world in general for long periods of time

    This continued for 4 more years, driving poor Trace crazy, he didn't like to see his dearly beloved sister in such a state.  One fateful night, a Drow walked in... a dark elf, hated by most other races, but Duvessa didn't know that, her mother taught her to never hate anyone just because you saw them. So of course she didn't hate him because of his race... she hated him because he was male, and wouldn't leave her alone to read.

    His name was Larinscian Caroldear, and that night he made probably the stupidest bet of his life.  Not knowing the nature of the girl, he bet his heart against her strength, telling her she wasn't strong enough to come back against all the pain she'd suffered, and embrace the touch of a person again... and most specifically... his touch.  

    Naturally, she won.  She couldn't stand to be told she couldn't do something, especially by some strange man.  At first, Duvessa never thought she'd ever come to love this strange man... who still wouldn't go away, but she was soon completely in love with him, and upset when he would have to leave for his... job.

    When Duvessa was younger, she'd promised her father she would not sleep with anyone before she was married, which rather upset Larin, but as upset as he was about being unable to sleep with her, it didn't compare to how upset her father was at his daughter being in love with a dark elf.  Solstice quite nearly killed Larin, and he would have if Trace hadn't stopped him.  Trace didn't like this strange man taking his sister away from him, but he also didn't want her back the way she used to be.

    One night, when Duvessa had come back from the Inn that she and Larin had gone to to have a little bit of constructive fun.  Trace had bought a pie, which he was saving to try until Duvessa got home, neither of them knew it was chocolate... and what followed made Duvessa feel more guilty than she ever had in her entire life.  With out thinking how it might make her brother feel, she went off quickly, and told Larin what had happened.

    It would be the understatement of the century to say he was upset, after they yelled back and forth a bit, he left her.  When she finally made her way home, she lay in her room for a long period of time, feeling both her pain, and the pain she'd caused her brother, and it was almost too much to bare.  She began to fall back on her old habits, and faster into the more dangerous of those.  After one particularly vicious fight with her brother, she attempted to kill herself, it was her brother's quick thinking, and her mother who saved her.

   Even after that she couldn't come out of her depression, so finally she asked Trace to help her find Larin.  She took him with her to one of the many Tavern's Larin and she had visited.  She was right on her first try.  While trying to ask the bar tender if he had seen him, Larin paid a few men to take Trace out and give him a beating, while he took her up to his room... she explained what happened... and they made up.

   After making up with her lover (of sorts), her next step was to heal the large gap it had put between her and Trace.  Trace had moved out of the house to live with the unicorns his father cared for, and that he would be caring for when the time came. The first time she went out, nothing much came from it, but she went out again the next day, and the next, she goes nearly every day to see him... except for those when Larin keeps her in bed. Her life's evening out... and for now... there's only one way she could be happier...