Destiny's life has been simple, and full of love, encouraging her naturally loving, if sometimes strange, nature. She's never had her heart broken, despite the fact that she lost her first love. Her father hated him, yet she was determined to be with him anyway, and so she ran away, hiding in the forest where she hoped her love would come find her... but he never did.
Instead Calderan found her... she was quite a mess by the time he found her, hair un-brushed and quite dirty, her white dress torn. He supplied her with a new dress, and escorted her home. After seeing her a few times, they confessed their love for each other, and he asked her to marry him. Of course she had to meet his parents first.
This didn't go off so well, seeing as she wasn't even remotely human, they had a fit, disowning Calderan. Over the following years, Destiny managed to help establish an estate of their own, her Dream Estate. Shortly after getting completely set up, Destiny left on a journey, to find a set of rings that would extend Calderan's life.
She's finally home again, though her brother, Andarin has requested the rings in order to study them and perhaps copy them to help keep his love, Veline, alive.