Alandrea was born the oldest daughter of Kallindra, her father was Geoff... despite her mother's instable life, hers has always been as calm and smooth as Kall could manage to make it for her. Even though life flowed smoothly... Ali still managed to become bitter, and ever so cold. Any and all emotions she has, except for hate, are all hidden deep in her heart, and rarely does she share them. She guards her family closely. Of them all... she guards her younger brother, Farran, the most closely, holding her deep love for him first and foremost in her heart.
Her first child, Daelon, was complete out of control, while he lived with his mother there were many fights, and many people hurt. Her second child, Alette, was the exact opposite, always easy to handle and get along with, she avoided fights like the plague, until reciently, when Alandrea discovered her secret relationship with her grandson, Cronan, Daelon's son.